What is The TWELVE T-shirt Club?
By signing up for The Twelve, you receive a brand new shirt every month at a discounted price and with free shipping! Each shirt is exclusive to club members only. On the 25th of every month you will be charged for the exclusive shirt for that month and then it’ll be shipped to you. It’s that easy!
Can I Cancel Anytime?
Yes, you can cancel anytime but a refund will not be issued. You must cancel after the final payment date of the membership you are signed up for in order to receive the the remaining shirts from your membership. The membership disable period is the day after your final membership charge date to the 20th of the next month. After that period, the membership will automatically renew. We are committed to to making The Twelve a great and simple experience for you. If something isn’t working for you, please contact us and we will do everything we can to help or resolve any issues. If you do cancel or disable your membership, we will gladly welcome you back into the club if you decide you would like to sign up again.
When Will My Shirt Arrive?
All shirts begin to ship the final week of each month. Please be aware that in some cases your shirt may not arrive until the first or second week of the next month.
What If My Shirt Doesn’t Fit?
If your shirt does not fit, we will gladly update the size for future months. If you would like to change your club shirt size please contact us at info@siswitl.com by the 20th of the month.