

( three – twelve )

THR312 rises from the biblical verses of Colossians 3:12-14. We strongly feel that the message in these verses describe what we strive to be on a daily basis. Your actions and ways of living are a reflection of your heart, but why not let your appearance reflect it as well.

We believe men and women alike need to be consistently seeking the Lord through their daily life to build the greatest relationship with Jesus that they can. What better way to spark a conversation and reveal your testimony to someone than wearing your heart for people to see.

Our website is a source for men and women of faith to purchase clothing that represents the lifestyle of a follower of Christ. Most of our designs come from the foundation of the Bible. Context is everything when it comes to understanding the love of Christ. Everyone has a testimony and each shirt uniquely relates to someone somewhere. Not only is this a great way to rock some cool gear, but an opportunity to give back to the community. A percentage of the profits go to helping the community, feeding the homeless and creating opportunities for people to attend conferences and events throughout the year.